Notices -

Tuesday 11th of June, 2024

Meeting / Practices Location When Staff
All LEO club meeting room 11 Thu 13 Jun 12.45pm WOR
  Change of day to Thurs this week due to other activities clashing. Bring your lunch. Anyone interested and new members always welcome.

All MBC Mountain Biking Room 4 Tue 11 Jun Interval MPA
  Could all riders who are going to Nationals please meet in Room 4 at Interval on Tues 11th June.

Notices Staff
All Future of Work/Careers Expo TINs
  The Future of Work is…coming soon!
Year 11-13 students will be attending the ‘Future of Work’ conference on Wednesday 12th June.
You’ll have the opportunity to listen to the inspiring speakers and experience the Interactive Workstation Zone. Discover jobs and opportunities you have never heard of before!
With speakers like futurist, Dave Wild – and trailblazers, Te Kahukura Boynton, Buxton Popali’i and Steph Benseman - it’s going to be inspirational.
There are also a limited number of places available for Year 12 and 13s to attend an additional workshop led by Te Kahukura Boynton (Founder of Māori Millionaire). In 2024 this workshop will be for students interested in becoming ‘money smart’ - including the implications of debt, managing student loans and much more – to create a life of financial freedom.
Places are strictly limited. To be considered for a place in this workshop, please register online at asap!

Don't forget you can win a laptop and prezzy cards by attending the Whanau session from 5-7pm.

All Te Whakataukī o te Wiki KES
  Tūwhitia te hopo, mairangatia te angitū.

Feel the fear and do it anyway.

Seniors ARA Institute of Canterbury TINs
  We have Sam Latu from ARA visiting today, Tuesday from 10am in the hall.
He is providing an extra session tomorrow night at 6.30pm in the Pavilion for Pacific families to attend to hear about all the opportunities that ARA can provide you. From scholarships to accommodation and Pasifika wrap around support.

Seniors UC- University of Canterbury Visit TINs
  UC are visiting today, Tuesday 11 June from 1.30pm in room 13.
Katie is going to speak about UC scholarships and accommodation. Bring your lunch and find out what UC can offer you.

Year 13 Te Paewai o Te Rangi -Scholarship Experience Opportunity TINs
  What is Te Paewai o Te Rangi?
Te Paewai o Te Rangi is a 5 day scholarship programme for Māori students who are in their final year of study at a NZ secondary school/wharekura living outside the Wellington Region. The purpose of this programme is for them to experience being a student here at Victoria University as well as living in Wellington City. Throughout the week students will attend different workshops with key staff on campus, explore halls of residence, connect with on-campus support, and explore all the cool things you can do in Wellington (and they’ll get to attend Open Day). There is an application process and successful students will be selected to attend the programme.

When and where is it?
The programme takes place from Tuesday 20th August to Saturday 24th August at the Kelburn Campus, Wellington. Students will be staying at Joan Stevens Hall (132 the Terrace) for the duration of the programme.

For more details and eligibility come over to the Careers Office.